
President Lai advocates for Taiwan’s WHO inclusion at ICEM

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2024/06/20 15:50
Last update time:2024/06/20 16:21
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President Lai advocates for Taiwan’s WHO inclusion at ICEM (Courtesy of the Presidential Office) President Lai advocates for Taiwan’s WHO inclusion at ICEM
President Lai advocates for Taiwan’s WHO inclusion at ICEM (Courtesy of the Presidential Office)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — President Lai Ching-te (賴清德) made a compelling call for Taiwan's inclusion in the World Health Organization (WHO) at the 23rd International Conference on Emergency Medicine (ICEM) on Thursday (June 20). His appeal during his opening remarks stressed Taiwan's readiness to further contribute to global public health.

Global Collaboration in Emergency Medicine

Lai pointed out that the International Federation for Emergency Medicine (IFEM) aims to enhance the quality of emergency medical care worldwide through international cooperation. He emphasized that no country should be left out of this global healthcare collaboration.

In his address, Lai noted that over 2,500 experts have traveled to Taiwan to participate in the conference. This attendance, he said, symbolizes the importance of emergency medicine and underscores the crucial role of international cooperation in the field.

Health as a Fundamental Right
Believing in health as a fundamental human right, Lai views the conference as a form of citizen diplomacy. "I am sure you all agree that emergency medicine is indispensable in ensuring this right," he said.

Having served as a physician before entering politics, Lai understands the frontline role of emergency rooms, particularly during major incidents and crises such as the COVID-19 pandemic. He acknowledged emergency medical personnel's hard work and dedication to safeguarding public health.

"My administrative goal is to establish a 'Healthy Taiwan,'" Lai stated. He pledged the government's continued efforts in public health, expressing hope for assistance in helping Taiwan join the WHO and contribute more to international medicine.

Taiwan Affairs

#Taiwan WHO# emergency medicine# global health# public health# healthcare collaboration# Lai Ching-te# ICEM 2023# Taiwan’s contribution to global health# inclusion of Taiwan in WHO# Taiwan international healthcare cooperation
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