
MOFA hails U.S. commitment to peace in Taiwan Strait

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2024/08/20 11:50
Last update time:2024/08/20 16:52
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Taiwan thanks U.S. Democrats for support (Shutterstock) MOFA hails U.S. commitment to peace in Taiwan Strait
Taiwan thanks U.S. Democrats for support (Shutterstock)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — Taiwan's Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA, 外交部) on Tuesday (Aug. 20) expressed gratitude to the U.S. Democratic Party for including the "Six Assurances to Taiwan" in its platform for the first time. MOFA highlighted this move as a testament to the importance of peace in the Taiwan Strait, reflecting an emerging international consensus.

The U.S. Democratic Party launched its 4-day-long Democratic National Convention (DNC) in Chicago on Monday, adopting the 2024 platform. The platform emphasizes strengthening alliances to prevent China from coercing its neighbors and reaffirms the U.S. commitment to the One China policy and maintaining peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait. It also includes the Six Assurances to Taiwan.


MOFA, through a press release, stated that the Democratic Party's platform not only reiterates strong support for Taiwan but also marks the first mention of a firm commitment to maintaining peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait and the Six Assurances. MOFA extended a sincere welcome and gratitude for this robust support.

MOFA noted that Taiwan sent a delegation to Chicago to attend the Democratic Party's first in-person national convention in eight years. The inclusion of pro-Taiwan language in the platform underscores the U.S. commitment to Taiwan's security and regional peace.

MOFA also noted that Taiwan and various U.S. sectors have maintained long-standing friendly relations. Moving forward, MOFA will continue closely cooperating with friends across the Democratic and Republican parties to deepen the Taiwan-U.S. global partnership based on shared values.

Taiwan Affairs

#Taiwan# MOFA# Democratic Party# Taiwan Strait# Six Assurances# U.S. policy# China# Democratic National Convention 2024# Taiwan U.S. global partnership# peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait


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